Most everyone who has moved has experienced this struggle -- you're about to pack everything into the truck, when you discover you need something packed deep inside one of your boxes. You waste a half hour digging out that item, before finally getting back on track. While emergencies happen, and you never quite know what fluke thing you might need on moving day, there are certain things that are needed more often during the moving process. By setting these 10 things aside, separate from your packed-up items, you can reduce your chances of having to dig through a box last-minute.
1. Basic first aid kit: Set aside some bandages and antibacterial cream. Other items like itch-relieving cream, an instant cold compress, antiseptic wipes, and gauze may come in handy, too.
2. Basic medications: Nobody wants to dig for the anti-diarrheal or pain reliever medication at the last minute. Set aside a little kit with some aspirin, anti-diarrheal, antacid, and antihistamine medications -- just in case.
3. Paper towels: Even if you cleaned up the apartment before, you may spill a drink or some other liquid and need a fast way to soak it up.
4. Basic cleaning solution: There's no need to leave out your whole cleaning bucket after you've cleaned, but an all-purpose cleaning solution in a spray bottle might come in handy.
5. A flashlight: In case you need to look for something in the basement at the last minute or peer underneath the moving truck, set aside a flashlight. Check the batteries beforehand to ensure it works.
6. Permanent markers: There's always a box you forget to label or one that you discover has been mislabeled. Setting aside a permanent marker will let you fix those last-minute mistakes in an instant.
7. A broom: Even if you cleaned the apartment very well before moving day arrived, you're likely to track some dirt in when carrying boxes out. If you have a broom handy, you can leave the entryway cleaner, helping to ensure you get back your security deposit.
8. Duct tape: It's a great all-purpose fixer for everything from a ripping box to a crack in the moving truck that you worry will let rain in.
9. Hand sanitizer: Who knows what you've been touching on moving day? Setting aside hand sanitizer lets you get your hands clean without messing up the sink.
10. Water bottles: Once all of your glasses are packed away, you'll have a hard time getting a drink. Setting aside some bottles of water will ensure you don't get dehydrated.
For more information on creating a smoother moving day, contact a company like Walsh Moving & Storage.